It is how it is.
People drown them selves in shallow water.
People are occupied by their interpretations of what is superficial and what is ‘deep’.
Their philosophies are just words that they use to strangle themselves.
It is not strength, it is not genuine, and it is not valid.
Each their own, yes, but you are stubborn and unlearned.
Open minded with the neglect of opening all closed doors.
Fear to explore because you have already concluded.
Conclusion: A state where one is exhausted from thinking.
Why bother, you say, to ask those questions when you already know their answers?
Why bother, because you already know.
You are ignorant, and encourage your personal development of stupidity.
I beg to differ; it is not us of whom are hopeless, it is solely you.
You are just too blind; you have shut your eyes far too much. Therefore not all the light is taken in, and your perspective is distorted, and poorly managed.
It is not we who shut you out, who exclude you, who boarder you away from us.
It is you of whom who segregates.
You say you have given up, when you have not tried.
You say you once had tried, but do note, that you once had tried.
You have given up hope.
You are hopeless
You have run out of paint for your canvas of life – therefore you have finished painting.
You think-not of the other side to this canvas, the mere lack of paint on your palette, and the unopened tubs of pigment at your side.
Are you afraid of their colour?
Or just satisfied with the painting you have created.
Then why complain?
The reason that your painting looks flat and grey, is that you have not washed your paintbrush. You have become too lazy, therefore have settled with that bland image, and have dared called it:
Life & its Completion.
Your opinions are merely such; they are NOT strong, rather stubborn.
The only thing that possesses some strength is the defensive wall of which you are trapped. And it does no good to the expansion of your mind. It is a negative source that restricts an open-mind from staying open.
You are shutting yourself off and away.
s e g r e g a t i o n
These opinions, they are weak, and not your own. You use their hollow and unknown meanings as a personal guide to your life. They give you false reason.
They were not discovered through your own personal journeys of thought. They did not manifest solely within yourself, you have just merely come across them, drawn in by their glimmer and shine, and have ‘finders = keepers’ them.
It is not as if you are resourceful in time management. You know the words, but not their meaning. It is that you have cut so many corners that you have lost your way.
You have lost yourself. You are as hollow as it gets.
You’ve said it so many times that it must be true, being someone who cannot go back on their words because they are a coward when it comes to admitting their foolishness. It’s pride from false reasons. You know not who you are, so you just stick with the fact that you’re not anyone else.
You are ‘not of us’.
They are pretending
They are playing dress up
They treat words as a sense of fashion.
They dress themselves up from the words they have read from their pocket dictionary and its neighbouring thesaurus.
They structure their opinions, their ‘perspective’, their own self, with these hollow words that were merely overheard. To pronounce them with pompous attitudes, only because they feel that superiority comes with the quantity of words a tongue may hold.
They have not yet experienced the saying ‘simplicity is perfection’.
They have not yet explored themselves, their world, their lives, their reasons…
… They ALREADY have concluded.
They are lazy.
Input = Output
What you give, is what you get.
b a l a n c e
They are the ones who do not wipe their ass after each shit they make, because they feel it is hopeless because it’s your shit hole, it’ll always be dirty, and there’s no use of trying to wipe it all away every time. They say this with the attitude of a spoiled child.
Further more daring to complain of the rash that develops in-between the cheeks.
They segregate themselves.
They segregate themselves.
They segregate themselves.
You start your sentences off with “Since I have such opposing views, society…”
You argue, for the sake of argument.
To show how different you really are, and it’s a shame that you have to share your life with us.
It is the same thing, constantly, and you lack REASON.
You lack explanation. You lack structure. You lack perspective.
Yet, you give the same reason for why you can’t support your own perspective:
We didn’t get it then, so why would we now.
You have tried, and since your views are so oppositional, they were shut down.
And since people shall never change, why should you waste your valuable time trying to prove yourself to their worthless, hopeless selves.
You might as well go and swallow some sleeping pills.
You are fucking pathetic.
You are speaking to yourself…
…seeing the world as another manifestation of you.
You are looking into a mirror, you just do not notice because you do not even know
who you are.
So why are you painting when you are colour blind;
To show the unsurpassable talent that you possess?
Oh me, you are so skilful with your brush techniques.
If only we could EVER be able to be as GLORIOUS as your-fucking-self.
Everyone pity,
this poor stubbornly ignorant, arrogant victim of the world.
For she is so
fucked up,
it’s pathetic.