Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Respect to the Vivd Piscies detailed&Uniq realities.

Dried boogers, where did the jelly ones go?

Ouhh...What to even say, how to even introduce them idears that floss my mind's networks. iCould start with my thoughts of my mornings breakfast (T - 7.5h), How Virgo people are just not cool for me, a shift of space & Happenings into sumthin' I've never expected to be aware of for some more few years... Could be my continuing relevations of WHY THE HELL AM I NOT in some sorta School for the Awesome Arts right now...or at least for a more progressive thought shall I get there...

With no, or little, fear of prejudice I am becoming more akin to the aspects of Astrology. I guess one may be even able to pick such out from the previous Virgo read. ...Butt-Fuck, it has its pulls and knots.

I notice that I'm totally not being freely speaky riita hear-ah. So what's to do? What's one to decide? I'm currently in my firend's bedroom, and I want to 'enjoy' a tabacky-slimmy, but the balcony door creeks & causes some AWAKENngings... Yah-no, the fresh air would do me so well actually. Have you ever tried to switch the functions of each ofyour thumbs onthe keyboard...forinstance, I use my left one NOT to push the space-ular rectangle...MOST OFTens the right...but left for this... ...Too Weird...I'm off that wagon.

Not really a good idea to type and stuff, or well atleast to look at a monitor right before you go to bed, or in hopes at least that it will set your mind through an easeful sleep-rest. Not even smoking.

I remember in elementary, this one mate-notof mine had an egg allergy, and what I had said was "WOAH that much REALLYsuck".....& I would think of all the cakes and moring doo-dahs of beakfast and ...all things else one would suspect he MUSTNOTHAVE-Ever enjoyed. But fun thing is...that I don't eat much of anything that carries these traces of eggs. Interesting how things have developed. As must all develoPINGS be.... just pure interesting.

I'm fairly very certain I am in the likingsof liking some mate o' mine right now. & this isnew. This is very new. Not the liking, but the awakreness of such positivo emotional UPRISING!

Dear Dairy, N O I S Z EH.

It's as if I'm refusing to sleep, to let myself sleep. Ah meh peuh pah koo shey. HOpefully that does the trick. ...of Pronounciation, can't touch this lack of restty nutty head hea headss.

Wow look at this jumble. I'll check out the mate's breathing patterns, ifi seems like a good chance he's in it deep, with the deep Whooz & Hahhhs, then open ma fucking dang sesame crackers CREEKS-a lot, door. If not...smoke stained cielings will match perfectly with the brown typ. appartment floorings.

Cool, this was neat - Peace : )