Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Reminder Reminded,

Although those feelings were real from before, I um... have changed my pace. I worry about how others will see me. How do they perceive me? Is it exactly from how I believe I present myself? Express myself? I am very egotistical, and cocky right... but for what reason? My sun sign, isn't too strong about things... there's no real reasoning for me have such a large ego. I suppose I do any how. If anyone congratulates me, or gives me kudos on being spectacular or whatever anything positive, I disagree. I shun them down (afterwards when I blow my ego up in front of others, retelling this story of admirence) and say how they know nothing about me, and they probably think such about me because of some sort of lack that they have. And the other way as well, if some one is hating on me, spotting out my dusty parts, and saying how much I suck and all things negative, I become very spittis in their eyeis. Retelling this story of ridiculousness, how could anyone have ever said that I suck?! Blah blah, no one ever wins.

Feeling low now, realizing how much I am amazing at sucking, just naturally... I have no strong sun relationships. I realize I am full of shame over my self, over my beliefs (veganism / eating habits)... this is how I choose to live and I am embarrassed by it. Embarrassed by it because it makes me different. Yesterday, within a small circle of people of whom were having their own little potluck of chicken curry, feta pizza, and beef chili, and rice, and brownies... I had the rice w/ curry. I already had dinner too. But, instead of being the only person of this group whom would not eat, I ate. I could've only had the rice... it would've been fine... but instead of looking like a girl who would only eat the rice, in fear of presenting myself as a chick who could only allow herself to eat the rice... I put the milk chicken curry on it. Now I thought that it was just going to be milk, with potatoes in this pink curry stuff. Pink curry, strange. But I had a bite of the chicken.. and was like, damn, why do they put fish in here? Awell... I mean, I've been wanting to have fish anyways... But then I pinched a piece of chicken cube in half with my spoon and realized... damn, that's not flaky, that's damn chicken. I still ate. Not the chicken though. I just ate around it. Of course some bits, the small ones, ended up upon my spoon, but I, just, don't know. I did it, so I wouldn't become singled out.

But still.. along came the brownie time, I didn't want any "Hey Kim, why aren't you having any brownies?" -"Naw, I just don't feel like it" "Oh come on, just have one, they're really good, you should have one." -"Naw thanks, I'm good." "What? Are you like one of those kids that doesn't like chocolate?" -"Well yeah, I just don't like the taste of it" "Well whatever, you should just try one anyways" -"Yeah, maybe."

Man, I've already fucking swallowed a chicken cube, I don't want no fucking milk in my tea, no eggs in my brownies, no nothing. (Today, I had a White Macadamia cookie, a bite of one) (I just am recollecting right now).

I consolidated with Wayne. He said, pretty much, that I should not worry about how others look towards me. It does not matter. Just as long as I know who I am, what I am doing, and believe in it, then I am pardoned from any questions. (But I just fucking am tired of having to explain, I am barely able to explain to myself). Who am I? What am I doing? Why do these people continue to talk to me? I do not want to have them question anything of me any more. I am tired of their prodding. I do not like their eyes gleeming over me. Not agreeing with me, and then agreeing with me.

Apparently though, whilst I was outside in conversation tonight with Dalida... we (she) came across a (potential reason) for my ego. Sun in Gemini & Moon in Sagittarius relationship. Opposites. My ego stems from self-defence and insecurity. I want to be SO DIFFERENT, not like any of these other fuckers out there. Not like any of these ridiculously dumb-headed stupidealistic bimbos out there. But then again, I want to be like everyone else, to be a part of this all. To not be left alone and secluded, to not be different from all else. So, My ego is always sharp and high up, because I react second to how others act towards me. But my ego is up, and I am oh so retardedly cool because I do not want them to see how much I hate them, but still need them. My uncertainty has a strong potential for leaking through, but I very much so would not like it for them to see. For anyone to see. Man, I don't even want to see it, because then it doesn't need to exist right? Quel Blague Mang! It's still here. It's still here right now.

For the rest of my life..