
Just some lights from a camera whose exposure rate wasn't adjusted, used & glued twice.
So some more again, I was mostly trying to hit up some Nova Scotia photo-combinations... some made it, and then some are borderline - but have some sort of tint to coolness I'd say. Onwards, they are:

Brown, Red, Barrett Bleach.
This one, I thought I could do one of those heads morphing together like the one of my father from yesterday, but alas, nope. Fortunately though, this came out. It's two of the same image plus another. The colours and how they turned out in terms placing. This is just neat; really.

Two Fold - Olivia and Sunrise.
Blurry, straight lined, and with a C trail. Two different makes, I like it, I just think I might have it in the wrong position. I don't really like to fool with the colours and stuff of photos, I dunno, I just get weird Myspace flashbacks.
I made this one yesterday, and I didn't want to share it, because I didn't like it really, something was really off about it. Well, it still is, not like it's changed. It just needs some more focus on something, that top left void is so void of something. But anyways...
I recommend any gemini to read this, they'll pick up the accent right fine like. Cool and crisp and minimal colours. Out on the balcony, and out on the grass - good day.
Jake and Barrett, you know, but Shane is the mysterious one, with his head turned. I like the irregular sorta shapes and groupings, especially find Barrett's head on the top left comical, etz a keepah.
Maybe if another eye was just there, or well many things could be done really. But I really like the mix between the two photos, and the general oval happening with the trees too. I'll fool around more with these photos later too, I'm biased to them because I like them.
B'wah-hah! It's not even that they mesh together well, it's just that it seems sorta mythical. Something about late rave nights, and what they can do to you. Good thing he's smiling /(*o*)\ !
Same sorta direction, and fit together seemingly nice. I like it when compositions of things are very linear, and plain. Some light escaped onto the film at some point, I don't know when really, might have been midst developing, but they are quite the prettiest of things.

Jake's Balcony.
I had quite a few photos on this balcony, so a lot of that grey-rock speckled wall, I thought some REAL PANORAMIC action could happen, but my skill apparently wasn't up to it. But I did manage just to get this one, where his shoulder's sorta meshed into the wall. Could almost past as a super-realistic painting done on that grey-rock speckled wall...