THis is my favourite, most affordable Bachelor Apartment right now.. and it's like a 20 minute walk from school. And they're available in June.
I am just so.. good feeling to know that this is there. SENDING IN APPLICATION..hmm, how, I don't have a fax machine. Okay.. but yes.
I wouldn't mind a room, but then that's 200 bucks a month more. And then I'd get all disorganized and just yeah.. no. So one entire area.. This apartment is nice because of that corner..when you walk in.. you'll see the sitting area so to speak, right. Right by a big window. (I just want to know if it's pointing south-east) And then my bed will be in that corner. I'd like a bed with storage underneath.. that'd be easiest. And then... the Kitchen is bigger than a square, so.. BONUS. And then the Washroom has the option of a bathtub. Hopefully what I see in the drawing is what it is... but yes. Overall, I am quite satisfied with this. I just.. am wondering what it looks like with Eyes and everything.
Okay. Peace : )