I could write this everywhere,
Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing here.
There are days when I'll just relive my memories through photographs. And then you keep on going back in time, and then you see some photos from the more recent of memories, and my skin feels translucent. I told Jake a couple nights ago about my temper tantrums, and he's like, "You? Really?" sorta thing. Things that you hold to be definitive moments of you, and then it doesn't exist outside of the realm of your head. I should do some fucking homework. Like, if I want to find the essence of me? The pure and stableness to my identity.. it doesn't exist. Because I'm only here in this moment, and things are happening around me and i'm reacting to them, but so they don't define anything stable in me.. i guess. So those temper tantrums don't even exist now? Unless I do them? If a mole's on your skin one day, and the next it's gone, do you still point to that spot and say, "Look at this mole." Of course it's gunna be like.. there's nothing there. But to honor the mole that was. Why do we visit graveyards.