Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
sweet love
i just had a really nice conversation with william. I feel good because i have just finished a can of sardines. I drank a bottle of italian wine. I have thought of such a wide variety of things with william, so that we need to talk tonorrow as well, but also because I saw shaun, and made moulds of Liv's breasts. galf of a cigarette culd b cool right nowww. i hope that that amount of wine isnt a bad thing per se. i spoke with will for two hours and six minutes. I msged shaun if he wanted to talk, but alas, i believe he sleeps. i love people so much at times it makes me scared. how do I express it, without scaring them away? there are spme bugs in our pantry. its a bit fucked. marena didnt seem to care much about them, but whatever. i got them then. i felt myself gerting a bit turned on after all that phone talk philosophy talk. just is how it is man. i love a good discussion, that amkes me feeling like i know shit but that also fluxuates into me knowing all da shit. it's nice. i might skeep on the couch tonight, but i might not. i wpuldnt mind it to be honest. will made me learn that i have a different dwfinition of what determinism is than what is described by God in the bible. maybe sleeping on thw couch isnt too bad, just gotta take out the bra. man, striaght up, i like the idea pf getting sex, a lot. of course now, really. i mean, if u know my past experiences, then it really is, things are looking up. meh, maybe ill just sleep in my bedroomx goodnight. sweet love.