I hung out with Shaun last night for a bit. And got to see the folks over at Clifton for a quick bit before that. I got one of those study pills from Barrett. I thought I was gunna go drawing during the whole night.. but I didn't. I'll get back to that soon. It was nice, because it's good how the warm feeling lasts for a bit after seeing someone who gives you warmth and such. We were texting, and I said to him, "Olivia Bibby. I can't Barrett." heh heh heh.
It makes me happy.
And you know what, the skies were very gray today. Which gets me to my next thing.
I took that study pill, and drew for 3 2 hourish sessions. I miss (*"miss") clenching my jaw. There was a moment when I realized, woah, This isn't me feeling this. Damn. And it's such a little sibling to MDMA, but it's amazing what storehold of memory feelings .. get a quick bit of air to breathe.
It was cold. And wet. I got a stick jabbed into my thumb because I was climbing down those steep sides to where it levels out on the trains/ish area.
I was just listening to that Neon Bible song, the black wave in the sea felt like it was in my chest. Now I imagine if the sun is hollow? "Hollow". It's got some space in there, right? Do we know? "Know?"
Anyways, it felt really good to sit outside and draw. I don't even know if it was the pills or not, or just how I was drawing and being out there. I think the rain even made it all worth it too, because it got my paper so soaked I could blend with the oil based pastels and conte. Kind of like oil paint sticks.
They're a bit dirty, the drawings. I'll patch them up before I sleep, Maybe I'll go back out to the place to draw sum more tomorrow.
Shit- laundry. Needs to dry.