Well, you can bet that I've been looking through some astrology synastry charts. I started my first one last night, and I kept on it in an attached manner, meaning I didn't stop til 1130. But, I mean. I started it at 10 or 1030, but it.. felt nice to see what I would usually read.. all collected on a series of pages.
I woke up this morning wanting to sleep more. It's like I was going against the grain to wake up, I wanted another deep sleep. But so, I got up after trying to fall back asleep for half an hour, and I showered and made pancakes. But after the shower, and before the pancakes, I saw that I got my insurance coverage for my dentist bill. This made me happy. I mean, it was paid for by my father.. to the school.. to the insurance.. but.. seeing it released back.. is like... finding it. Well anyways.

Anyways. Since my last post, he did want to talk, and wanted to talk that Sunday. But I said, "Well, I'm drawing today bud." In my head at the time, I couldn't stop this drawing process just because of someone else's schedule. I had already started it later than planned the day prior. So I guess I was feeling assertive, bitter, and like a wall.
I was confused because I thought my proposition was the idea. This is what would have to go down, in order for us both to be well and do fine and carry-on and so on. Then he assured that he wanted to talk in person about this - so we arranged it for yesterday, and this is why I am here, I guess.
We both express our anxieties about the realities of relationships in different, yet similar ways. Both anxious at the realities makes us alike. And .. I have a bit of difficulty trying to understand what it is that he said, to be honest, but.. it was something about the anticipation of an event, so one overreacts? Like tugging on a bungee jump cord before one further experiences it? I've texted him that question.. so we'll see.
But, it's all fairly interesting. The dynamics between persons. How they interact, and shape each other's conceptions of the world, and so on. The phenomenon of collected individuals.
I think that's all I wanted to say.
That, and - It was so lovely, on Monday night. I sat to do my Art History reading on the couches in the lounge. Mareena comes in, and two of her fellow classmates to chill until their class starts. I overhear their conversation and jump in, the guy, was like, "New Years Resolutions, does anyone do them anymore?" And me from the couch across them goes, "Woah woah woah. Yeah. Quit smoking last year, and this year flossing and not biting the nails." The guy, "Wow." And he starts clapping, and says, "everyone." to encourage Mareena and the other girl to clap. MUAHAHAHA, felt so nice. That was really nice of him. Hah, funny. So then this morning in the shower I'm looking at my nails thinking... yeahh... Anyways. Then something else cute occurred. Mareena and the girl got up to go to class. But the guy stayed.. because I was staying.. but also because he thought that I was in his class and that there was more time to chill and relax. Until I say to Mareena, "Enjoy class, have fun!" And he's like, "Woah- you're not in my class anymore?" "Naww man, I was really just sitting in, haha." And then he got up and gathered his stuff in a bit of a hustle. It was just funny and sweet.
Okay. Bye then
Oh, ps. You'll love this. When I got my type writer before, I typed out my oldest brother's astrology reading.. hahaha, I even typed out a chart for it - on a 1950's type writer! So awesome.
Okay, bye.