Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Descriptive assignment

I could sleep. Forever.
Lost grains of sand in the wind, my mind could be gone. Ic ould let it free.
If you love it set it free right? Well this mind is cherished.

But I kill it. I killed it so I could sleep.
I set it free, and then killed it. It was a demon
A nasty devil.
Even though atheist eyes, I am capable of seeing the Hell that is around me. fucks me up.
Phones are beeping, and there's no operator.
There is no operator in my mind. Per presently. Nor will there ever be.
I know this...
the only thing I know

Empty thoughts fill my hollow mind.
Once drowning myself in shallow waters,
My attempts to fill these empty thoughts with depth,
I am caving in,
My mind is starting to cave in.

Maybe sleep would be nice.
Put my heavy thoughts to rest, and to settle those that

I've rattled
In my dreams.

I will free myself.
I will love myself.
I will know myself.

Come, let's bathe together.

Fucking sknk.