Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I just want to remember this class, and how the teacher accepted anything I did. Made me feel welcome and at least, go.

Suppose to write about how I am a write Tob e clear though, to make obvious, this is written with knowledge of an audience. It shall be yread. May, this is not wrritten for you. This is not a time for mind wander, but for absorption. I was thinking of writing how am I not.
... so shall I ...

No. I paint. No. I draw. No. I speak. No. I think. No. I act. No. I know.
Writing is rather another tool on my belt that I may use for the means of the outward absorption of my inner being. (notice the absence of voice) Another way to bent.
*I believe that voice is symbolic towards your being. Though, since it is mocked literally, it is absorbed literally, then you start to hear a literal voice in your head; since there is an apparent voice you hear, you must understand that it speaks only your thoughts.
The voice that is actually your being, cannot be heard. It does not make a sound for you to listen to. It just be's. It just is. Because it is you. Your identity. Your voice is censored. Because you control it. And when you control your voice, you control yourself, it is not yourself, but rather what you may represent. So lives expression.

So this is just another method for me to express different shit. To those in society, as well as my social-self, if there may be one.

No, I do not write. I express.
Thank you for reading.


We all have a social facade that we mask ourselves with.
Though this said mask that we wear does differ in thickness.
And when we let it become thick because of our own self.
May be come lost in it's shallow depths.
We're lost in ourselves.
Who are we? Who am I?

Am I the Walrus?
With writing, the inpression you make with the ink from your pen with the words that you play.
it stays. A lasting impression.
Though implaced there by improvisational words, do they still give people's premiere impressions.
Yes, impressions are made, butt'is distasteful to be impressed by someone; to judge them at first sights.
Recall, that to adjust to a bright light, from our closed eyes, we must blink.

So how many times do you have to blind, to any light that may shine to you;

Absorb all light because it's only task is to light up any dark corners of your mind.
You should read these now and at the end. To see what your impression shall be then, "does it all make sense now?"

To doubt others is to doubt yourself. So be genuine & Strong.


Are you only a writer if you write works? Or is it not about the vocabulary, and only the thought. So is it are you thinker? Or are you a practitioner of Oxford's dictionary?