Which is fine, I feel better now knowing it's for sure.
I'll have to look for another apartment - letting this 740 one go.
Although it stemmed from anger, I don't care. It's easier just to not have him wager on my school when I'm there. Complete severance is what I aim to establish.
600, is about the lowest I've seen.
I still don't want to live with any one.
I told him what buttons to push - I told him I was insecure about him and his trust.
I'm the only kid out of the six he's hit. I don't know if I'm the only one who doesn't care enough to not yell back. But he doesn't want to put up with me, even in my own worst possible times. I wager so much of my happiness on my parents' interactions to me. I tell them how to act, and I try to make sure I act fine. After slip ups, I'll apologize - but sometimes I don't care enough about anything to apologize. Or to shut the words up coming out of my mouth.
I just watched Trainspotting and then the yelling started. I was feeling bad, and bitter. But no one asked "how are you?" all it was was "What's wrong with you."
A statement, rather an inquiry. For my birthday, no one asked how I was. Even the night before, none. Last night was the only time, from a text.
I want to leave this place.