I forgot I had this dream last night, until Chris mentioned something about blindness.
A VERY PROTECTIVE DREAM. Wayne, my brother, and I were fleeing and running away. There was a lot of grey geometric shapes, and platforms. Jumping from one platform to another, triangles. Wayne was ahead and leading, "This way, over here". In between these platforms were dark and gray. I didn't look down though, I could only tell because I was looking forward to Wayne's jumps, and noticed that they were there. This beast, or whatever was chasing us, coming closer. Very close. Something wrong happened. (I wish I could remember now). A bright light came, very focused and with a lot of hurt about it. It came like a hot spot light, "Look out!" And it went and passed over Wayne's eyes.
I jumped over onto his platform. He was crouching, holding his eyes. Holy shit, holy shit. Wayne, are you hurt? Show me your eyes! Very painful. Sort of slipping on this incline into the grey dark. He comes out of his curl, and slowly raising his head he slips his hands from his eyes. "Your eyes look fine." "Kim, I'm blind." \(@ o @)/ What the FUCK! A very destructive feeling. That something you love is in this much pain. So much worry, and loss. How and why could this have happened to you?!
Continuing our flee from this situation. Just in need of finding security and protection. He continues to huddle his body a bit, and even though he is tall, I sort of do a protective clasp over his back. Like a sheltering gesture. We quickly make our way again, over these sharp shades of gray. I was in a real panic. Not knowing what to do, but knowing what I had to do. Just to protect and not have anything happen. That clasping arm-stretching grasp was a prominent feeling. Similar maybe to if a Mum seeing that their child has just lost a nail - or just gotten blind from this Giant Lazer!
Oh yeah, I wanted to read about it before I would go to work this morning, but I barely had any time.. so,