I can't remember much about the beginning.. but it was nice. I met my dealer, Dom, at the end of some field. The sun was high and warm. I had my stuff laid out on the grass... I emptied my bag for some reason. We were at the end of the hill, like a cliff, but not so, it was just a steep decline. I sort of tripped, and would slip a bit, but very casually and smiley make an easy recovery step up. A lot of smiles being exchanged. I knew that we both were Gemini in the dream, and I 'knew' that he had Venus in Taurus (he doesn't though - in this life). I was definitely flirting, and I sensed that he was too. That's where I was thinking "Mm, two Gemini's." Some thing happened.. where I was given some sort of article of clothing, made out of hemp... I put it on... I believe they were shoes, because after slipping down the hill, my original ones went away, and then Dom gave me hemp ones? So I wore them to show me and him. I was looking down and remarked "That's a lot of Hemp." My bag, these new giant skateboard hemp shoes, and my skirt. I thought it was overdone, and a bit on the uncomfortable amount of hemp to wear. Unusually hempy. Moreover, we chuckled about it. So I'm sitting back down on the grass, and then I see that I want my camera. Dom's laying down on his stomach/side, and I reached for my camera, which was on the other side of him. So reaching over him, definitely had to lay on him for a bit (part of the flirt tactic I suppose), things got weird. All of a sudden, he realized that I was flirting? He realized that he had a girlfriend? And he dipped, really. I was trying to play it off, and I looked to take a picture of the moon with my camera. I didn't see it last night, but in this world I was trying to. I looked through to take a shot, and it was weird what I saw, but my camera was damaged. The lenses were cracked and smashed. Like they were sat on. I was in.. my heart just sank. I look to Dom and started to express it a bit like, "Aw man, Dom, my cameras totally broken." But it was very dark, and I think he was already gone. But it didn't phase me too much, for my camera was just, ah, my heart, my heart being broken. I don't know. I went to get my stuff. Put some in the bag, but ah, such a disaster zone. All these little bits of glass. Broken lens. Broken and bent metal. I couldn't even pick up all the lens shards. I gave up, and started to walk home in the field. It was almost as if it was 2 AM, just in the Dark. I kept on trying to look at the Full moon, but the same broken green and brown and white image. I didn't understand why any would.
Such a warm then cold variance.