A while ago, or whenever ago, I stumbleuponed this chick's photography project of taking a portrait photo of different people, and then combining their left and right halves of their faces.. knowing that neither would be symmetrical to the other, interesting at the differences that would be made. So I logged this in the brain of "THINGS TO DO", and then hence this photo.. and the following ones of that drawing from Andrew/Shane, heh.

The left side of this is the true side. Interesting, eh.

After Stumbling upon many different art things... after a while a tolerance of sorts sort of develops. Art things.. some/most are just not interesting, not innovative. Now I don't know what this thing categorizes under, but I really love it. The texture. Blob for blob marking light and texture, plainly reproductive of his view of his world. Eyesight, pure and simple, experience.. blahhh..

Awesome and neat project. I'll forward this to my younger brother, John. Drawing monsters in landscape photos.. we have a landscape photo in our living room... I'll be terrible sure of letting him know of this idea in the proceeding morning. Cool!

Lastly, I bought some things on Ebay today. One of the most prominent being the Charlotte's Web 1973 VHS video thing...and a poster maybe.. or not, can't really remember. And then a rock-climbing decal for an automobile...rear window.. Wayne said that he was thinking of getting it.. I dunno, I"m getting it for him now.. hmm.. BUT JUST NOW - I remember he said he was going to get it after I wasn't there...so as to be without an external conscious. Here I am, a secondary conscious to what he might have already purchased. Damn. Hopefully not. In anycase, I have applesauce and plan on making a wonderful cake for him tomorrow. Before he comes at 5. That being said;
Good night. : )