Hello there. Ahh, well.. I've sent in my application to school, and then I had a friend, Shane, come down for a bit (neat-o!), and then tried and failed at getting a second job. But all in all, I've had it better I'd say. The application was stressing me out a bit, and then.. now I don't really know what to stress me out with... There still remain those strong few unaccomplished tasks that rest within my room. They are to send two Packages out.. putting the rest of my Families photos into albums.. reading. The stuff I used to occupy my time before. But in any case. More onto what I was getting at in the first place here..
So when Shane came down, I definitely whipped out the camera, even the Ms. Z. Contessa (still the one roll in her though) and got some WONDERFUL photos. Oh so cool indeed. But so here are some from those 5 days:

The 2nd Day.
We found ourselves using up some spare time in between plans at this park on Lakeshore, surrounded by Refineries and other Industrial things. Complete with shiny lights in the nighttime, and the plenty of smoke stacks. There was this wall.. that was just a skate-shoe's-width-width and Shane went up along it. Just a natural ascending movement. And so I encouraged him to tread it, and taking snap shots here and there... all of a sudden I see him jump down & off. Shit! But no worries, platform ahead. So I got him to do it again, so I could do a prepared snapping shot. I like this idea.. I'll be sure to use it again sometime..
Not that they match amazingly, but not that they don't in any matter. We went to Niagara Falls, ha! I've never gone in February. Sorta cold actually. Like... Right now it's not too cold out, and I sort of forget how cold and bitter the air could be.. but, I know that it was cold last month. Taking photos and smoking rolls. It was a really good time actually. We saw how clouds would form, as they would before us within 3 minutes or so? The mist would raise up... since the air was cold and the water was warmer than.. a lot of mist would go up. And then it would blob itself into clouds.. like the train in Dumbo. Really cool actually.
I forget which night that this was. But along the highway no Doubt to Toronto and Up. Mmm, most probably. We had come from Brampton.. waiting quite the whiles for my guy to show. Which isn't that cool.. but eh, it all turned out well in any case! Driving onwards and just in good company and in good interest of the night to come.
These ones are just the ones that aren't really pointed at anything.. or, with any thing in interest I think. Well, I guess I was trying to get a shot of Shane's face.. but how did I only get the mouth? In any case, I really do still like these two photos. A nice silhouette, and then some good spots of light here and there.
Close ups, I do like them. I forget where we were when this was taken.. but it's near photos taken in my room.. so hey, within the House. But such a nice soft light, it's what I like about it most. Followed by the blue and then.. I had this other shot of some light being refracted or whatever... so added them together just because I liked the close up one so much..
'Nuff said. We were cruising. Actually even on the first day of my parents meeting Shane, they each took a liking to him. Offered him the Van at first, and then on the second day.. the mustang. We got to use it as if it were Shane's own car back in Nova. Which was definitely appreciated. I mean hey, if I had a jet, and the fuel to fly it.. I would fly it..ahh... yeah.
Another Night driving to and fro from Brampton, to North York, and back to Oakville. It was so pleasant just being in a car again with this Nova gem. Just a good spirited soul.
Wayne has his Youth Church group meetings on Sunday nights, and the last two times I've brought my camera. Just have been feeling like it. So Wayne took some shots (I was too shy, didn't even whip it out - heh), and he snapped this wonderful one of Ang. : ) So I sandwiched it in between two of the same photos from the night Shane and I drove back from Brampton. I feel like it's 'Nhgaaaaaah' ing something.. you know. Sound waves.