Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


hey there.

so never mind all the bad stuff,

cuz it's all good when you're doing something you love, n'est pas? (heh - francais)

Much love, this is it : )

a solid mercury in the 11th house ...

A day at a glance.

Hey, I actually had a really good thing to say. But now I can't remember what it was. I was in the car... and then was pondering about something lovely. Hmm. Maybe later on then....

But some nice things have happened today.

Okay, so I couldn't find my phone last night, and did my laundry wayy too latee. But, still did the laundry, and opened that online alarmclock webpage... slept with my laptop beside my head, furthermost away from mute was the volume... and was awoken by my mother (she is quite awesome like that).. 4:10 in the morning. I went to automatic snooze.. stirred awake once more by the online Alarm Clock that I had set before. 4:25. ("shit, this is it, now you got to get up." blah wa wa. So I went off to work... and I was there by 4:50. Enough time for a smoke. Awesome. But, then I had this weird feeling in my head... that we opened at 5:30 AM. Yes, yes in fact that was true. But being soo tired... and as it was kinda non-comfortably cold out this morning... I curled myself into a body-huddle, and sorta slept. I think within the 50 minutes of being there curled on the pavement.. I opened my eyes like... a generous 20 times. Music playing, I was dozing off.

I got woken up by my assistant manager (hmm, embarrassing..?) lately my punctuality has been quite mutha-damn-lazy. EVEN yesterday, her and I and another opened... and I was asleep at home when she called... ah, anyways. It was nice though. I just was sorta off edge a bit.. you know, feeling a bit "oh shit oh shit, oh shit." But it was good.

She (Julie) ended up calling the original opener (we switched, Chris & I) because I hadn't written it down yesterday (because I'm out of it) ... Chris had a party last night, so it was funny to be awoken up by your manager.. accusing you of not being there... heh-hah. And then he told her it was me, she called my house. My mother answered.. worried, she did a drive by at the store. AHAHA! All she did was park, look at me through the windows... shake her head an awful amount of times. and then drove away.. (hehe). Fairly funny now. But embarrassing then.

It was nice because when I saw Chris at later on, at the end of my shift... we laughed. And it was the joke of the day really. A good uplift essentially. Good good good.

We did the Secret Santa Draw as well. I got this guy whom I enjoy the company of really. He does to me as well. It's neat. I bet you, if we were the same age.. oh ho ho - noo no. But yeah.

And then... came home... hmm.. picked up and paid for some dry cleaning for my mother.. her dry cleaner was P.-O.'D! (pissy missy), even though she is actually really nice. But yeah, so that was a fine good deed.

Feeling good today actually. Venus is in 6 degrees of the Zodiac sign Scorpio.. and this is makes a Trine (good harmony) to my Ascendant which is in 6 degrees Cancer... so I'm all happy today really, and affectionate. I was nice to people today at work too.. which is a generally new thing to happen. You know..

I'll remember what I wanted to saw really later on, or I won't. I dunno.

If you're having a bad day, don't worry. It's just you within the universe today. No biggie, or maybe. But I dunno. Whatever really.

Hmm. YOu know what, I just remembered.. I'll make it in a different blogerie entry though. But a reminder for me.

-Environmental Issues.
-Peoples' Attitudes.
-They are going to die, I am going to die. I am not going to try to kill myself because of their not wanting to agree with me/what I believe.

-Because I will die anyways. So, I agree with them there. But still, they're angry with me. Man, just shut up. I have. I understand. Will you?

Do I understand?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's good.

There's this girl with whom I work, Julie. She's swell, nice, fine, on edge a bit, but chill... essentially Sun in Libra, and then Ascendant in Virgo...(me setting the personality there a bit), she's actually quite fine in my eyes, like just alright (just as long as we're not combatting or whatever)... so yeah.

I work with her today, and another Libra gal (1989), and it was good. There was no beef at the work place. No discomforts. No faking, no NEED to fake. Aha, I guess just plain old no neediness. So there was plenty of freedom. And non-expectance when it came to work standards. Very good, very very good day. I closed, hence me here at this time...and even though we came out technically late and all, there was no, haste.. and frustration. (Damn, this was good [needed]). But I realized on the drive home, and when it was happening, that a layer of trustworthy bonding was being built between us. Sharing and caring. Advising with sympathy. Damn, good. Aha. I swear, funny things are happening everywhere.

It made me feel good, as it is making me feel fine right now. (Or is it the wine? Naw..regardless..) But there are also dumb-fucking-asses out there. And, one shall be faced with many if one thinkgs that they themselves are not a dumbass. Even though I do believe that I may be at times... all time really. You know. I mean. Yea..

It's just good to establish connections with anything, any one. you know, It leaves you with lesser of reasons to believe that there is ultimate isolation out there/here within this/that world. No chance of true alienation.

Good, good stuff.

Well, I'm going to go and enjoy my Mercury in the 8th house even further now : )
Painting, with long endless songs.... And just to complete some fermented grape drink. You know.

Enjoy your nights (lives) aswell. Heh. -Peace.