Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Kim's Lament

Growing up is a full time job,
Things are more interesting with a brother and sister.

The viewable life.

Listen to this, as I just click off of Facebook. Having yet not know what hypocritical fallacies I have done.
Yes, hear me now.

As my fingers dance on this keyboard, my coughs, dry and unnecessary – I wait, until some good thought flows into my mind. The only one being, a projection onto others, how I see mself - viewing Facebook too much, too often, and using it as a justifiable tool for the inquiry of sociological judgment.

Hi, my name is Kimberly Watson. And I am judgmental. Watch as my fingertips dance across this keyboard.

I had searched up kids from elementary, now seeing their facial hair grow. Their beards, red with growth, are... echoes of insanity. Echoes of insanity... Because I am here, now still curious, still fraught with my own memory of the past. I knew them as kids, and I know not them now.

Distance, is amazing.

How time and space may stretch the delicate frames of reality . The fabric of reality itself.

I know you not. I know you for shittily not. I know most for not.
Because, I create space.

I love space

And by love, I mean, I create space.

Enough distance for me to think of myself as weird.

In all my relationships.
With enough space between us, I may judge us, and feel not any weight on my conscious because of how I decide my hammer shall slam down onto this oak wooden desk. Shelf. Pavement.

I watch, as my nonexistent car, in this nonexistent life, carries on, without me fully initiating on how it must be carried out.

Without any job, I judge myself.

Without any humility to those whom I judge as .. Fools, Ludacris, insane sons of bitches... I leave myself alone with my own pickiness of isolation.

I watch as my friends leave me, and leave me as they no longer become friends, but mists of a memory.

I will miss you, but I will tell myself not to.

A lesson in becoming bitter.

You recognize and hate in people what you hate in yourselves.
Today, and for the past couple of days, I have had a conversation in my head with a fellow classmate Joe, that he is too.. bitter. Too bitter for my life. As by me dismissing him, I make my life greater.


I have chiseled and carve my own pedestal out of the own.. Real kindness, real authenticity of broken yet perfect and whole humans, the raw materials, the raw genetic materials the raw psychologically infected materials of this earth. – I carve them away into spoons.
From which I may suckle and sip all the sorrows this INGENUINE life has to offer.

For now, I leave this abruptly unfinished – as any “life” may be.



Sunday, January 12, 2014

I am shaking

Is it because I'm not eating breakfast?

It's hard to say where control, handling it, and then losing it comes from. Where is drama, melodrama, and boredom.

Where is my reality and insanity.

Are you handling things? How do you handle things well.

In my Ayurveda book, it says it's good for Kapha types to skip breakfast every now and then, this is optional. So I assume I am a kapha type - but not assume.. I'm not sure.

In the last two days I have been a bit.. in a mist? A cold damp fog. Or maybe not.

Many things.

I need some stability and strength, as always.

I hope I get my place Sublet.
I hope I get able to move.
I hope there is money for this.
I hope I learn.

I'm seeing the house viewing in a bit.

Life - taking risks. Letting your wrists and hands shake.

Do you feel weak too?

Last night I ran home in intervals from school. It made the commute quicker, and I didn't feel as light or continuous as I have before. The other day walking up my street's hill, it felt .. more.. sluggish? Why am I breathing heavily? Is this just winter? Is this just in the context of my memory remembering going up long ass inclines with a good load of weight beneath my feet, hamstrings for survival.. yet walking myself up this hill, and my min believes that I am under performing.

I feel like my arms are shaking. And i think they are.

Maybe it's from the coffee I had this morning.

I'll get ready for the viewing.

Good bye