Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Photo Mixing - Round #3

Just some lights from a camera whose exposure rate wasn't adjusted, used & glued twice.

So some more again, I was mostly trying to hit up some Nova Scotia photo-combinations... some made it, and then some are borderline - but have some sort of tint to coolness I'd say. Onwards, they are:

Brown, Red, Barrett Bleach.
This one, I thought I could do one of those heads morphing together like the one of my father from yesterday, but alas, nope. Fortunately though, this came out. It's two of the same image plus another. The colours and how they turned out in terms placing. This is just neat; really.

Two Fold - Olivia and Sunrise.
Blurry, straight lined, and with a C trail. Two different makes, I like it, I just think I might have it in the wrong position. I don't really like to fool with the colours and stuff of photos, I dunno, I just get weird Myspace flashbacks.

Trees in my backyard.
I made this one yesterday, and I didn't want to share it, because I didn't like it really, something was really off about it. Well, it still is, not like it's changed. It just needs some more focus on something, that top left void is so void of something. But anyways...

A Good day with Trainspotting.
I recommend any gemini to read this, they'll pick up the accent right fine like. Cool and crisp and minimal colours. Out on the balcony, and out on the grass - good day.

The Nova Boys of Evolve 11.
Jake and Barrett, you know, but Shane is the mysterious one, with his head turned. I like the irregular sorta shapes and groupings, especially find Barrett's head on the top left comical, etz a keepah.

Nova Scotia road, smudge into my face with Andrew.
Maybe if another eye was just there, or well many things could be done really. But I really like the mix between the two photos, and the general oval happening with the trees too. I'll fool around more with these photos later too, I'm biased to them because I like them.

AAH!! The Double-Face Barrett.
B'wah-hah! It's not even that they mesh together well, it's just that it seems sorta mythical. Something about late rave nights, and what they can do to you. Good thing he's smiling /(*o*)\ !

Day and Night.
Same sorta direction, and fit together seemingly nice. I like it when compositions of things are very linear, and plain. Some light escaped onto the film at some point, I don't know when really, might have been midst developing, but they are quite the prettiest of things.

Jake's Balcony.
I had quite a few photos on this balcony, so a lot of that grey-rock speckled wall, I thought some REAL PANORAMIC action could happen, but my skill apparently wasn't up to it. But I did manage just to get this one, where his shoulder's sorta meshed into the wall. Could almost past as a super-realistic painting done on that grey-rock speckled wall...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Some more Photos

So enthused once more, I woke up and went straight to this Panorama editing thing. I had these photos from Montreal that I wanted to create into this semi-sphere of a view, but I don't have them uploade
d, but anyways, here are some more:

My Dad. These photos made me actually seem to like him more.
It tends to happen like that, where my attitude towards a subject will be changed if it's drawn into a picture, or photos are taken and they're nice looking. I saw these and realized that there's a lot to like of my father. Sad though, I don't remember where I hide these photos, because I wanted to make them into some stuff, I can't remember now.

At times I would us some photos from my photo-booth.

These are from our film camera about 5 years ago.
I like it, because they're not necessarily photogenic, but you can see me with Willy, my cockatiel bird. Just chilling at the dinner table, getting to how we roll. He was such a lovely bird to interact with...

So then I started combining just random ones, and I liked how this one went.

These don't really match up, but few bits I like of it.
So then I must like it all. The gray is the roof of my work's plaza, I went up and just took some shots with my Contessa camera, and then the others are from my other camera, Honeywell Pentax.

This is Olivia's Mum's and her guy, Mike's wedding.
Connie isn't pictured here, but Mike is, along with some general other people. I was so camera shy, I have a few shots of the occaision, but this counts as an entirely new one!

Bea Macacapagal's birthday.
I wanted to include Bea but it wasn't sitting favorably when put together, but I still really liked this one of these guys. It goes Michael, Brett, and then Matt on the right. I think Christi's face is the blurred aspect.

Yeah it don't really fit, but imagine two sets of twins eh, that'd be neat.

My two favourite people I've met really. Chris & Dalida.
I really like this one, just because of what it reminds me of, just some good time made with good people.

March Break, Olivia and I in the playroom.
Combined, these photos are quite playful. She came down from Nova to chill, and chill indeed we did. 10 months ago, damn. What's been going on in my head. It'll become better, right? Well let's hope, because photos with this chick seem to always be spectacular.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hi, again.

I discovered that on my computer, there could just combine photos together, to get it all panoramic and such. WHICH is highly needed. So I've made up some. When I take some photos and have them developed with doubles.. one set goes into my photo albums, as the copies, I use them as craft material.. "photo-chop" to quote my high school friend, Rebecca. Cool, but here are some:

My Brother, Billy.
There use to be a old hip-high stump of a birch tree before there. After 8 years of rot and decay, this stump is decrepit. Bill showed up, usually a lot during the summer, as he and my other brother Wayne do up some car stuff in the driveway, but moreover. He kicks down this stump, TERMITES, nasty things crawling through your thoughts, and then we decide to burn them up. So he instructs me to drain it with gasoline, then we light it, FWOUSH, up in flames. We do some fire fighting action after Wayne scolding us for our poor decision making skills in regards to suburban law... and after it's gone we see Ms. Queen Termite, holy crap. Google that shit, nasty. So I had my Zeiss Contessa Camera out for this action, here Billy's smoking a Cuban Cigar that our sister Loretta got for him.

My first night at Andrea's apartment with Christiane.
I wanted some sorta series of photos combined to capture some nightly bits, but I really wanted these three photos together, so I stuck to them. Since we're here in late August, I have reached a high point in my drinking career, I surprised myself with my abilities. But just a many sounds, easy comforts I find with their company. I've seen these girls only about 10 times since Gr. 7, but they're one of the greatest people I've met in this land, just by being real enough that I might see and appreciate.

This is in Olivia's room in Hamilton.
By accident her bed's edge in both pictures matched at the same place and such. Funny too that her face-photo is blurred while her hand-photo isn't quite as much. I half tried to see where I could find within my other photos another one that would be a bit more blurred, but have it to the right a bit.. but you know.

Olivia and I went to get Groceries, the same night.
It was actually really dark out on this path, and light was difficult to find. Especially since my camera does not have a flash attachment, light sources were limited. Few photos turned out with a lot of contrast, but I was pleasantly surprised with all of them. The more time passes, the more I'd like to be there that night once more.

Nova Scotia, Jake's living room.
I had known then that I would've liked to chop and tape these photos when I was taking them. But I took them at such strange angles that when I got home and laid them down they weren't really doing anything for me. But I like these curtains, and the sunlight and the breeze, so they're doing good now.

At Andrew's place in Windsor, Nova Scotia.
Andrew, to the right, sweet boy and a sweet family, I had it sorta planned to drop by and see him, ended up staying a couple days and a couple nights, quite splendid really. On the left, Jake, I had not yet seen him outside of the Evolve Festival, so he stooped on by for the second night. Funny though, this photo makes me laugh for ages, but I don't really have any one to share it with...

William Asomaning, the Virgo man of my life.
Always inspiring discussions of life, love, and faith. He's one of the purest souls in my heart. We're just sitting here on this humid sorta bleak day at the stinky edge of Lake Ontario, catching up. I just came back from Nova Scotia and I've shared with him the news that I plan on moving on over there for the next year, he's making sure I'm practical here, I trust to him it's for school. I'll always be looking forward to seeing him.

Sunday, January 23, 2011