Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's good.

There's this girl with whom I work, Julie. She's swell, nice, fine, on edge a bit, but chill... essentially Sun in Libra, and then Ascendant in Virgo...(me setting the personality there a bit), she's actually quite fine in my eyes, like just alright (just as long as we're not combatting or whatever)... so yeah.

I work with her today, and another Libra gal (1989), and it was good. There was no beef at the work place. No discomforts. No faking, no NEED to fake. Aha, I guess just plain old no neediness. So there was plenty of freedom. And non-expectance when it came to work standards. Very good, very very good day. I closed, hence me here at this time...and even though we came out technically late and all, there was no, haste.. and frustration. (Damn, this was good [needed]). But I realized on the drive home, and when it was happening, that a layer of trustworthy bonding was being built between us. Sharing and caring. Advising with sympathy. Damn, good. Aha. I swear, funny things are happening everywhere.

It made me feel good, as it is making me feel fine right now. (Or is it the wine? Naw..regardless..) But there are also dumb-fucking-asses out there. And, one shall be faced with many if one thinkgs that they themselves are not a dumbass. Even though I do believe that I may be at times... all time really. You know. I mean. Yea..

It's just good to establish connections with anything, any one. you know, It leaves you with lesser of reasons to believe that there is ultimate isolation out there/here within this/that world. No chance of true alienation.

Good, good stuff.

Well, I'm going to go and enjoy my Mercury in the 8th house even further now : )
Painting, with long endless songs.... And just to complete some fermented grape drink. You know.

Enjoy your nights (lives) aswell. Heh. -Peace.