Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Every day is exactly the same

Especially when you're going through the nostalgia field a'dreams. Because. I don't know if I would say it feels the same quite exactly, yet it's getting there.

I like feeling distant, when I do. It's like, I get to show myself, yeah man, even though you feel distant, people recognize you. So later on this week, I'd like to work on stretching my ears, I'll think of that come next week. (HOW!?) hah. I guess I have to make my own taper? Should I buy my own tapered earrings? And then I want my top ear cartilage thing pierced.

I guess this is the thing. I don't want to have to show that I feel a certain way, maybe I want my face to say that.

I need to work on this acne stuff too. It's happening at the hair follicles, what the fuck is up with that? I'm stopping coffee today. I've already had 3 glasses. It's 4pm on a Sunday. The next coming week will be fun.

What will I do instead of coffee? I don't know.. maybe some.. fruit? Fuck's sake.

Anyways, I think with distance, gives me the change to assume control. Or to give the illusion of it. It's like, what do I want to do? What do I want to look like. Even though today, I don't know if it's been like that really.. but hey. Whatever. I have to do a lot of studying.

Today, Art history, the last few bits of my queer theory.
I've done my semiotics, (YUHESSS!) and then sculpture will be tomorrow too.

Create charts for art history.
Read Queer Theory.

If I want to I can do some carving later on today.

Maybe that's what I'll aim for. That'll be closer to 9 o'clock tonight or something, because, no way I'll be going there before then. Less than 4 hours to do this written/reading stuff? Well sure, only one way to try.

I've been feeling empty lately. I don't know what this means, but I like how it feels.

I feel like having magma poured over my body.