Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

5 minutes for things that .. are of happiness.

drinking vitamin water / washing pots / wearing long blouse from Mom / printing off an essay that took a damn long time / feeding someone and they say that it tasted good / someone just taking food one cooked because it is good and it is comfortable enough to just eat without direction / a reeeally good hug / pushing oneself to get up and do something and actually doing it and thanking yourself after / hot showers / cold showers / extremely mild temperature showers / waking up beside someone who is warm / soft skin / beautifulness / eating grapefruit and thinking, you know what, this ain't that bad / getting things out from the skin; ingrown hairs, pimples, black heads.. / folding laundry right after it is done / warm laundry / petting cats / picking up a guitar and making some sweet amateur sounds / seeing friends / seeing friends and going all excited just because you see them, and not even caring or thinking about anything else outside of that moments of just being blessed by seeing them / maple smoked salmon / smoked oysters on hummous / fresh oysters all the time, really / feeling beating hearts / liking some one / liking yourself as you like others ('you' 'I' 'one') / feeling the sun / sunlight through windows / writing because it feels good / talking / listening / someone does a friendly touch to the arm after just meeting them - comfort / large blankets / cool winds / smoldering hot days too / favourite movies / heavy breathing / faucet-like sweating / watching someone smile because they thought of something goood / seeing a beautiful smile / large voluminous laughs / oh, and smoothies.