Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Steven's Dream

Between Stevee Lockhurst and You

[I sent this message to an elementary kid I used to have a crush on. In the black is what I wrote, and I'm adding in red now.]

Kimberly Watson June 5 at 6:16am

What's up,

K so I just woke up from a [really lovely and warm] dream, and pretty much you [and I randomly met in a movie theatre. I walked in, to the front row, which wasn't close to the screen, and saw you and was like "Hey Steven! What's up!" And gave you a friendly tap with a movie magazine really.] were my best friend in it, [and we instantly hit it off again. Hell I don't even know if we were close in elementary, all I know is that right now I'm under this fantasy illusion] so the first thing I thought of [when I woke] was like

["No! I want to see the end of it. But oh well, I guess the fun is that it was perfectly fine as it was" in a corny way... then I thought:] "Gotta tell Steven!"

It was like a [perfect "Hey, how are ya! Haven't see you in a while!" Day of reconnection. Turned out to be a really flirtatious dream too, which ended up being a] date dream really (in my head I'm thinking this must be random ass stuff) but whatever. [The first thing that caught my eye, when I sat down (a seat in between us) was that] You [, Steven] had two rectangle tattoos on your leg, which I thought was pretty sweet. [And I thought it was pretty sweet because then I was like thinking, shit, Meant to be, I'm in love! But in the way where it's like, hey you're weird, I'm weird, we know each other, we've had some time apart - sick.] We randomly met in a movie theatre with 2 of your younger friends [which reminded me of how you were a year younger. They were classmates]? [One might have remembered me from Morden, but it was interesting having them there, it was like B,K,_,S,B,B. So boy, me, empty, Steve & so on. Except I had the aisle seat, and only once, when the boy was trying to reconnect with my himself did a seat appear on my left.]Then [we]

were really annoying - [I felt a bit inconsiderate for a bit of the amount of noise we were making, but never got shushed. I thought afterwards "Oh well, it gives our chatter a living-room feel to this. I was rearranging me and my sitting position. First leaning to the right then thinking it was too close, leaned to the left. Then a funny bit in the movie happened, and I collapsed onto the ground - in an attempt to find the perfect seat-position yet. I say on the floor for a bit with my head on my seat looking up. I could feel that some of the others in the front row would be able to see my face in the glow of white movie-light. They would put a face to the noise and commotion. So I made my way back to the top. I then tried to sit up straight and fine, but then another mildly funny part came, and I leaned to the left - away, but my chins were touching. Apparently the space in between was getting smaller. We were now on a tiny sofa really. At some point again, I rearranged my seating, but the entire 6 seats fell back. I had] knocked the seating down by accident and made a chinaman's baby cry [ I attended to my own baby? It just sort of appeared on my lap "Shh, sleep child. He didn't cry actually. Then I handed it over to ... I want to say Steven just because, or it could've been one of his friends. But then I tapped the China man's shoulder showed concern for the Baby. "Is he alright? I'm so sorry, that was all my fault." And then I said sorry to his friend on the next seat too. Being awake now I wonder why there were babies]-and then another baby[ of my own which didn't cry]? That was the only showing of babies.

[Just so you're not like, Dammit, this girl is telling me a baby dream and I was the father. We were quiet from then on, but there was pretty much no seat in between, and it became really comfortable.]

[We started walking outside, along the sidewalk. It seemed like it was Speers, and we just came out of Encore I guess. You and I and the two friends, all quad went off.] Then pretty much [we arrived and] went to Blakelock [It was common lunch on the field. All ages though. We passed by this one group of kids who knew Steven and stopped to talk to him. They didn't know me because of the age gap I felt, so then I slowly started to walk off a bit. But soon afterwards Steven broke off and we continued walking nearer to the back. The sun was warm, there was a cool breeze, and the many leaves on the trees created the perfect amount of sunspots and shade on peoples faces. Picnic blankets were down, at first people were sitting, but now the majority were standing. There was a lot of movement too, but it seemed sort of slow.

[Then some space developed and some major flirting started. I knew I was doing it a lot, and I couldn't really help it. I thought to myself once "Oh, I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend, either-wise I'm out of grounds. But it was reciprocal, and so then fine. Some reason I wanted to show off my athletic capabilities really. There was a soccer ball that these kids were play with and they hit it out past their last man. So we had a soccer ball for a bit. I did some foot work (which I thought was pretty sweet) and Steven tried to steal it from me. So then a mash between soccer skills was happening, combined with some good heart beats. He fell a couple of times and went to grab my legs, but then after him doing this I thought "oh no, now he won't like me." But I continued to kick and move and by then the other kid came and I passed to him. He did some neat foot work too, and I was like "Hey, that was sick. Let me try that." And then he passed back and I did it 99% mimicked. I felt like a pro. After this foot work, we continued to walk. Something about my age or my birthday came up. "Yeah, my birthday was a couple days ago." And then I knocked him on the chest a bit "And hey, happy belated birthday to you too. You're on the 24th right? Yeah, I remember because it's near Queen Victoria Day and Andrea's birthday."

Then our steps took us to the area in which the Pit would be. What was approaching seemed sort of daunting, what I could see was like "Oh yeah, I forgot about this." We saw] and jumped down a steep rocky hill near the Pit/Back. [I always have to jump during my dreams down something steep. This girl who was beside, we kind of a friend, I don't know, but was kind. She was like, oh yeah it's fine. And she jumped. Not cautiously though, with no care or fear. Fuck, she almost landed near a rock - that would've messed her ankle up right good. Then Steven went down. He didn't jump straight off, but in stead (with his long legs) went and took steps down some of the edges of the side. Then it came to a point where he was holding on similar to Jack on the Titanic's position, and he had to to a blind let go down onto the bottom. I went to see if he needed help, but he was fine. "Fuck, it's my turn now" I thought to myself. Fuck no, fuck no, fuck no to all the jumping straight offs. Hah, instead I went to the left of side of this hill drop, where it was more steps and gradual. I went down, and these three black kids, dressed in black, but chillin really, because I guess I was on the cool side. But they were kind, some stares, but their heads were moving freely, bopping almost. I went down one branch off of these gradual steps and I saw that it went to a steeper drop. Another kid passed by ahead, down the path where I was to go, and so I went. These three kids noticed that I made a mistake, but I said to them/myself "Oh, don't need to do that way."]

[There was a mid-level plateau. And coming from the left side, I could see where Steven was. It was just sitting together in a crowd. Like this was our place to sit and rest and chat. There were a lot of people, it was comfortably full this plateau. This other girl and us were having a regular old conversation. I think I was talking to her and then Steven kissed my hand. As if letting me know and sort of asking? But I was in mid-conversation with this girl, I was trying to keep my cheeks from really blushing. The conversation kept on naturally, and right afterwards he did another kiss. I registered it was because I didn't answer the first time. So I clasped his hand just to affirm. I looked to Steven and smiled. He seemed really present. He was here. Then the girl started to talk again and then a disturbance happened near the top of hill. Which didn't look so steep any more. It wasn't even, there were a series of steps along its edge. Through the now apartment wooden wall, doors were opened and a staff member allowed] a cop [to come through. "Alright everybody. I'll need each of you to fill out on a piece of paper your names and address. Including the young ones. " He called, but he] came really, to get rid of all the KINDERGARTENS! That were in the pit. ["But isn't that if you are under the age of 18, you must have your parent's permission to give away these details." I called up and straight over people's heads to him. "Well no, not in this case. You're all in the pit" He retorted. In any case all the Kindergartens left, a lot. I didn't even see them around me. It was spring/summer [outside], then When we turned around]

we were in a living-room? [we were both sitting on one of those comfy chairs. A lazy boy really. but what's strange is I was on the armrest and leaning over. I guess that seems fine now, but then I was like, why the fuck do I get to sit like this. I snuffed my nose a bit and did a mild unsnuff and I thought a wad of mucus blood came out. I checked to rid the evidence of it - all concealed like. My leg was across, I went to scratch my ankle really, and I picked up this squishy red ball. I don't know, didn't seem real, but I got it off the seat at least. But I had to get it out of my hand. So I went and looked around on the ground to my right (I was on the right armrest) and saw toys and things on the carpeted ground. I wiped it on one of the toys and when I looked up I could see this older woman was sitting there and potentially might have seen all of this. But oh well, I turned away and looked to the TV set again. The whole living room, still outside in the pit, but just wit carpet and furnishings, the whole setting looked like Korri & Krissi's living room. The setting started to blemish with spots of blue & grey, as my eyes were starting to open. I was letting it, then I was like "No, no!" It was so nice. I felt like I needed to tell my newly reconnected best friend of this news. So to make sure I didn't forget, I went over it a good amount of times in my head. Well like three summarizations. I was about to forget the soccer bit before, luckily I got it, because it was lovely but self-conscious in itself.

And then I woke up at six.

I can actually remember it more vividly than this, but I [don't want to be too weird about this. Although all in all, I ]think you won't mind having a neat-o read in the morning.

K, peace!

And have a good Summer : } [maybe we should go and watch a movie sometime, lol],
