Can't stop to dream. Happiness depends upon ourselves.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Planet Workout

I did it. Very good. Even though I went off after work, tired as fuck, still got it done. On the bus ride there, full bus, full of students from Sheridan... I started to nap. Eyes were becoming so heavy. I had to rest them, in order to avoid falling asleep. At one point, I even ended up with being startled with a body JOLT!, I ended up startling my bus-seat neighbour too. "Sorry", I apologized. Even though we both had our headphones on. I got off, and started my way walking. I've never known where to actually go, nor paid attention when driving... just followed what Google Maps had told me, I wrote the directions at the back of a photograph, something mixed there, I know it. But I don't want to deal with it now, nor whenever... toodles to that thought. But it was generally nice. I was thinking of napping in the changing room, but then decided that that wouldn't be a good idea. My end of holiday celebration.

My parents are home now. I've already distanced my self. Me and my younger brother have already started yelling at them. Damn that shit. & I would scream it too, if it would do any good. But until that's true, it's a lifetime of silent anger.

I was feeling good until I had some of these frozen (but thawed) Uttoti? Utto___ something bread stuff, with this chutney. WOW, it's been hurting for the last 1.5 hours. Now I'm having a shot, to make it all better. NAWT, but fuck this tummy-ache bull shit.

Good things today: I read. I didn't want any cigarettes. I feared being caught in the future to smoke any, the custom & obligation too. ( I absolutely hate it, when I can't say that "Yes, I do plan on stopping, & I haven't had a cigarette in a while... BECAUSE I stop myself, in fear of being the person-who's-done-it, in front of some chick who's been trying to stop for AGES, and just is a WHINER about it. ) I hate it (how I will act. They're fine, they're doing what they do. BUT I don't like what I'm doing. NOT even the reason for why I'll do it. Grumpy as f*ck when it comes to this & the similars) ...Another good thing: I got up early and prepared all my foods today. Had a sandwich, and brought protein to make into a smoothie at work. Ridiculous how happy THAT will get me. And now, I know my weekend plans. & I haven't been biting my nails. & I've organized all the loose photos that I've had in a box for 2 years into some four.5 albums. Now to only do the childhood photos.. that'd be awesome.

Yeah, now I'm thinking I'm sounding dumb. But fuck it, I love organizing. Or at least, how it relieves tension within me. Hardwired, as Linda put it.